
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.”

Collaborate with us

Join Dikshan Education Community to connect with students around the world, breaking the geographical Boundaries

As an educational Institution, we are committed to providing exceptional learning experiences to our students. We are offering Collaboration Opportunities to tutors who are willing to work with us to make a positive impact on the lives of students.

Join as a Tutor

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Let us embrace the potential of online learning to enhance our teaching practices, create a future-ready learning environment that will inspire our students to achieve their learning dreams.

We strongly believe that by embracing collaboration, we can create an educational environment that empowers our learners and fosters a love for learning.
We will provide you access to resources that can enhance your tutoring sessions and are specifically tailored for tutors that will stay you updated with the latest trends and techniques in tutoring.

As a collaborator, our dedicated support team will assist you with scheduling, administrative work, e-resources for learners and technical support, enabling you to focus more on delivering exceptional tutoring experiences.
As a Collaborator, we can commit you that partnering with our institution will help you in your professional growth.

By actively engaging, professionals can continuously evolve, expand their expertise, and remain at the forefront of their respective fields.

For any Further Information mail us at or call us at +91-7303568065